Listening / Multiple Choice Type Question (MCQ) / PART 1

1. Tutorials are

A   obligatory.

B   voluntary.

C   once every two weeks.

2. Tutorial registers in the Philosophy department

A   started last year.

B   are not taken.

C   will start this year.

3.  Most students

A   every annoyed by people arriving late.

B   were fairly annoyed by people arriving late.

C   did not like exit questionnaires.

4.   In the tutorial, there will be a review of the lectures

A  by the tutor.

B  for the previous week.

by a visiting lecturer.

5.  Preparation for the tutorial each week may include

preparing an outline.

B  writing an essay.

C  in-depth analysis.


Continuous assessment grades do not include

 A essays.

 B project work.

 C mini-presentations.