Listening / Summary Completion / PART 2

Complete the summary below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer.

In 1932 August Dvorak solved the inefficiency problem by re-designing the

1 .............. of the typewriter. He put the most commonly used letters on the home row. Using the Dvorak keyboard, over 3000 words or 2 ………………….          of all work can be done from the home row. In contrast, only 3 …………………can be typed from the home row on the Qwerty keyboard. Other advantages of the Dvorak keyboard include a 50% improvement in 4 …………………and a 15 - 20% increase in 5 …………….But the most important difference is in finger movement. Typists using the QWERTY keyboard moved their fingers 6 …………………miles per day compared to one mile a day for Dvorak typists.